Though it's a fact that's awkward to admit, and may be hard to talk about. conflict is an inevitable part of life, whether in your household, your friend groups, and of course... in your professional life.
Conflict is an inherent part of human interaction, and the workplace is no exception. Misunderstandings, differing perspectives, and personality clashes can escalate rapidly, leading to decreased productivity, damaged relationships, and a toxic work culture. The consequences of unresolved conflict extend beyond individual employees, impacting entire teams and organizations.
Studies have shown that conflict can lead to decreased job satisfaction, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover rates. Moreover, it can hinder creativity, innovation, and overall organizational performance. Recognizing the critical importance of addressing this issue, we have developed the "Resolving Conflict at Work" program.
Key Program Components:
Understanding Conflict: Explore the root causes of conflict, identify different conflict styles, and learn to recognize early warning signs.
Effective Communication: Develop strong communication skills, including active listening, assertive communication, and providing feedback.
Emotional Intelligence: Enhance emotional intelligence to manage emotions effectively and build empathy.
Negotiation and Mediation: Master negotiation techniques to find mutually beneficial solutions and resolve conflicts peacefully.
Practical Application: Apply learned skills through real-life case studies and role-playing exercises.
By the end of the program, participants will be equipped to handle conflicts with composure, build stronger relationships, and create a more positive and productive work environment.
Resolving Conflict at Work
Kuasai manajemen konflik untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang harmonis.
Meet the Expert
Vincent Lika
Psychologist & Coach | Communication Expert
Vincent Lika adalah seorang psikolog berpengalaman dengan lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang pengembangan sumber daya manusia, konseling, dan pelatihan. Ia telah membawakan seminar, sesi terapi, dan pelatihan SDM yang menginspirasi, menjadikannya figur penting dalam membantu individu dan organisasi meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi bisnis. Dengan keahliannya dalam psikologi terapan, Vincent membekali peserta dengan teknik komunikasi yang efektif dan berdaya guna untuk mencapai kesuksesan profesional.