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Innovation is at the heart of business growth and sustainability. Companies that can continuously innovate products are better positioned to meet changing market demands and stay ahead of the competition.

This program is designed to help you foster a culture of innovation and develop products that resonate with customers. Learn the principles of design thinking, ideation techniques, and how to bring innovative products to market.

Lead the Market with Innovative Products! Imagine creating products that not only meet but anticipate market demands. Our Product Innovation program will help you cultivate creativity, apply design thinking, and bring groundbreaking products to life. Stay ahead of the competition and make your mark as an innovator. Ready to lead the charge? Join us and turn your ideas into reality!


Intuitive Interaction Design (IxD)

Pahami kebutuhan pengguna melalui design thinking.

Design Sprint with Lego Serious Play

Bangun, pelajari, dan luncurkan dengan Lego Serious Play.

Human-Centered Design (HCD)

Desain dengan memperhatikan orang.

Managing Product Innovation

Transformasi bisnis Anda melalui inovasi.

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